Monday, August 24, 2020
The complexity of a trapped mind Essay Example For Students
The multifaceted nature of a caught mind Essay I can feel the strain. Am great strain. Being pulled toward each path. Another advert on the TV revealing to me that caring yourself is the best love of all and that purchasing a twenty dollar antiperspirant is the main legitimate and unmistakable approach to communicate that adoration .to myself! The adoration for self ..what amount do I love myself? Would it be advisable for me to cherish myself? These inquiries frequented me as I sat in my little studio loft, the TV and an unpretentious sparkle from the finish of my cigarette lighting up the room. I have consistently realized that we are exceptional. Who right? The scholars. From days of yore we have been there. Since forever we are there, Mark Anthony, Taliesin, Merlin, secretaries of state.. an uncommon type of individuals, a first class brand. We will compose a custom exposition on The unpredictability of a caught mind explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now I have no spot now. In our current reality where a short skirt and very much tanned legs can get a multi year old to an official position quicker than a school graduate,and in our current reality where its not about what you know yet who you know, or in our current reality where a pen and a paper fill in as the main discharge for the scholar, a spot not restricted by remarks and social perception.No, I have no spot now, not in this time. So I stay here in my studio condo, for a considerable length of time and evenings, months and years and as I watch my cigarette gradually consuming, smoke ascending from its tip, I understand its perishing yet the sparkle that kills it is the methods by which it finds the explanation it exists to kick the bucket. What purposelessness. Too bad, such is reality, an archimedian winding of uselessness. So I remain here, on the grounds that they are not prepared, holding up until they are prepared. Watching and pausing. Consistently.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Staffing for Global Operations free essay sample
In 21st century, we are seeing a major jump in the globalization of business and with this, the capacity of the executives of an association to work successfully over the social and national outskirts is assuming a basic job in business achievement. Staffing the board of worldwide organizations is a perplexing issue to the global human asset the executives (IHRM). With this expressed, the announcement, â€Å"Culture is a significant variable for global management†is valid in each sense.Keywords: ostracize, ethnocentric, polycentric, regiocentric, geocentric ? Acquaintance Culture by and large alludes with examples of human action and the emblematic structures that give such action noteworthiness. Various meanings of â€Å"culture†reflect distinctive hypothetical directions for comprehension or standards for esteeming human movement. It alludes to a perfect of individual human refinement, of the best that has been thought and said on the planet (Wikipedia. organization). In the board, culture has a marginally extraordinary meaning.It can be clarified as a lot of arrangements, qualities, convictions, and perspectives learnt and shared by the associations part (Naylor, 2004). We will compose a custom article test on Staffing for Global Operations or on the other hand any comparable point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page For this undertaking, I will assess at how various types of the executives societies in overseeing auxiliaries, which are found everywhere throughout the world, can impact the turn of events and development of an association in the cutting edge time of globalization. Universal Business previously, when individuals discussed global business, it just implies that they sent out their items to different countries.Nowadays, due to the improvement of facilitated commerce, any nations lessen their exchange boundaries request to draw in outside organizations in, to contribute to and drive their residential economy. At whatever point individuals consider universal business, it is not, at this point just exchanging starting with one spot then onto the next †they are thinking regarding globalization. This implies not just having speculations, workplaces and organizations in their own nation, yet having likewise workplaces in various pieces of the world also (Citehr. com). In today’s worldwide world, most large organizations have their workplaces or business in a wide range of nations. Worldwide ventures frequently have their base camp at their nations of origin and all their different workplaces, which may remember workplaces for a similar nation yet not at the home office and those situated in different nations, need to answer to them all the time. Since culture is so unique in relation to one individual to another and starting with one nation then onto the next, when an association chooses to open an office in an outside nation, they have to choose how they will deal with their representatives in the remote country.Professionals sent a by their organizations to work abroad and has been working and living in a remote nation is called a â€Å"expatriate†(Wikipedia. organization). Organization directors need to consider what sort of strategies they should use inside their auxiliaries. There are four principle kinds of staffing for worldwide tasks: Ethnocentric, Polycentric, Regiocentric, and Geocentric methodology. Ethnocentric Approach The meaning of ethno centric is â€Å"characterized by or dependent on the mentality that one’s own gathering is superior†(Merriam-webster. com, n. d. . Organizations following the ethnocentric methodology expect the nation of origin approach is ideal and that representatives from different pieces of the world can and ought to follow its policies.Local organizations may imagine that parent organizations don't confide in them and this may disincentive impact on nearby administration assurance and inspirations. Significant expenses, parent organizations need to pay travel, private, pay rates, and other such costs for exile workers and by and large, the compensations for ostracize representatives are a lot higher than pay for somebody neighborhood. After assignments, typically a drawn out oversea task is quite a while. The organizations need to have fundamental courses of action on where the ostracizes will go, and what they will do when they finish their assignments.Expatriate will most likely be unable to adjust back to their unique culture as they were away for a really long time (citehr. com). Polycentric Approach Polycentric staffing is a worldwide staffing technique in which global enterprises treat every auxiliary as a different national substance with some individual dynamic power and recruit have nation nationals as administrators. This methodology can limit the risks of social nearsightedness, yet it can make a hole among home and host-nation activities (uslegal. com). Partnerships use individuals from the nations in which their auxiliaries are situated to fill the executives jobs. General choices and arrangements are made by neighborhood auxiliaries, which are appropriate for their nearby surroundings and societies to assist them with achieving their parent company’s objectives. Center key and useful limits arranging stay at base camp (Marcbowles. com) Advantages of polycentric approach are minimal effort all the positions are enrolled from the nation where the auxiliaries are found. Associations don't need to pay for voyaging and settlement costs for the exile and his/her family. Increment acknowledgment. Government and individuals generally acknowledge associations that are eager to utilize from their culture.They perceive this sort of association as real members in the nearby economy. It likewise exhibits the business trust in the nearby populace. Amicability, since all representatives are likewise from a similar nation, they have comparable culture which can decrease clashes among the work power (Wikipedia. organization) Disadvantages of polycentric approach are: Reduce of control of parent organization, in this kind of staffing, control practice by base camp might be diminish. This could set it hard to adjust neighborhood expectations and worldwide priorities.Different norms, every auxiliary have their own arrangements, which suit their societies, yet the gauges will be unique in relation to each other. This may prompt challenges in accomplishing the associations worldwide objectives. Shy of correspondence. Correspondence among home office and auxiliaries is fundamentally simply revealing. Central station may not realize what is really occurring inside the auxiliaries. This may prompt the delay of troublesome nearby choices or issues as the neighborhood offices would attempt to explain it without anyone else except if it is unavoidable (Wikipedia. rg) Regiocentric Approach Regiocentric approach is a way of thinking of the board whereby the firm attempts to mix its own advantages with those of its auxiliaries on a territorial premise (College of Business Administration, 2007). A worldwide enterprise who has a regiocentric approach will separate pieces of the world into areas. For instance, a global organization may isolate Europe into various districts †Eastern Europe and Western Europe. Every company may have various meanings of the size of locale, and which nations are in explicit area. An organization who embraces this methodology chooses appropriate administration level work force inside the district where the auxiliary is found. The regiocentric approach can be seen an advancement from ethnocentric or polycentric approach. It is like geocentric methodology, yet is constrained to inside various locales rather than the entire world. A regiocentric administrator can be said to have a perspective on a territorial scale, which could imply that the world outside the locale being referred to may be seen with an ethnocentric or polycentric direction, or perhaps a blend of two (marcbowles. om). Favorable circumstances of Regiocentric approach are viable; staff from the district where the auxiliaries work will be increasingly touchy to provincial needs. By and large, individuals from the district will more in contact with the necessities and worries of the locale and can settle on increasingly reasonable choices dependent on this. These requirements and concerns can likewise be conveyed all the more viably back to the organization central station. Free development, possibly, there are less troubles in gaining visas and work licenses for staff moving from one piece of the locale to another.This will rely upon the size of the district and the laws administering development of individuals starting with one piece of the area then onto the next. Auxiliaries working in Europe as an area should think that its simple to migrate their ostracizes starting with one piece of the locale then onto the next without obtaining work allows or Visas (ihrm. com). A few downsides of Regiocentric approach incorporates significant expense, flexibility, social issues, and after assignments. Like on account of ethnocentric methodology, there is a high migration, travel, and settlement costs brought about as staff are moved starting with one piece of the locale then onto the next. Versatility, chiefs who situated inside the area despite everything experiences a few challenges adjusting to the method of living in an alternate nation inside the locale. For example, individuals from Spain ordinarily are progressively laid back, the pace of living and work is more slow. They may discover challenges in working in quick pace London. Social issues despite the fact that the exile employee(s) isn't as a long way from home as those with ethnocentric or geocentric business, they despite everything need to stress over how to carry their families with them or how to manage being endlessly from them.After assignments, likewise with the ethnocentric methodology, the multinationals need to choose what they will do with the ostracizes, regardless of whether they will have their unique occupations back, and how well they can adjust to their nation of origin in the wake of being ceaselessly for some time (ihrm. com). Geocentric Approach A geocentric staffing arrangement looks fo r the best individuals for key employments all through the association, paying little mind to their nationality. This methodology is reliable with building a solid binding together culture and casual manageme
Thursday, July 23, 2020
Class of 2021 Wait List
Class of 2021 Wait List The May 1 reply deadline has come and gone, and we know many of you have been awaiting news about our wait list. During the past week, weve been waiting for all our admitted students to submit their final decisions so we could figure out whether or not we had room to admit students from our wait list this year, and, if so, room for how many. Each year, our plan and hope is to admit students from the wait list. This year, we had a record-high percentage of admitted students choosing to enroll at MIT (also known in admissions parlance as the yield) of greater than 76%, which left very little space to admit students off of the wait list. Today, around 5:00pm Eastern Time, we will email all students on our wait list their admission decision. Of the more than 400 students on our wait list, 14 will be offered admission. At that point, our wait list will close, and we will not be admitting any additional students for the Class of 2021. Thank you for all the wonderful updates that many of you have submitted. We appreciate the time and effort you have put in to letting us know how much you love MIT, and regret that we did not have more room. On behalf of the entire MIT Admissions staff, we wish you all the very best in college and beyond. We know you will make a huge impact on the world.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Torvald Helmer s A Doll House - 1027 Words
In A Doll House, we see that Torvald Helmer, the lawyer, is a condescending, selfish, and quite authoritative. He easily becomes the antagonist in the play because of his arrogance and bad treatment towards his wife and his employers. Torvald had these motivation placed in his mind by society that guided what he did and how he acted. The main motivation, on a societal level, which stuck out most in this play, was his status/reputation. He acted in any, which selfish way, to increase his status among others, even his treatment of people, especially Nora. His actions and behaviors are driven by this motivation to uphold a high reputation and social acceptance. Torvald is only concerned with, in regard to his relationship with Nora, how well she makes him look and what other people think about it. If he has a beautiful, obedient wife and joyful relationship, people will respect him. They’re relationship, on the outside appears to be happy. But, when you analyze their relationship, you see Nora is treated like a child in this relationship, but as the play progresses she begins to realize how phony her marriage is. Torvald sees Nora s only role as being the subservient and loving wife. He refers to Nora as my little squirrel (185), â€Å"my little lark†(185), or â€Å"little spendthrift†(185). He only sees her as a possession. Torvald calls Nora by pet-names and speaks down to her because he thinks that she is not intelligent and that she can not think on her own. Whenever she beginsShow MoreRelatedHenrik Ibsen s A Doll s House944 Words  | 4 Pagesis based on Nora and Torvald Helmer and the progression of their rel ationship from the play â€Å"A Doll’s House†by Henrik Ibsen. Both Torvald and Nora Helmer played as major characters but were flat and static in the beginning. Nora with her childlike and submissive behavior toward her husband of eight years and Torvald with a stereotypical point of view. Developing this trait as a child from her father Nora believed this was an acceptable behavior for her marriage. And Torvald probably grew up withRead MoreA Doll‚Äà ´s House by Henrik Ibsen1004 Words  | 5 Pages A Doll’s House A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen, is a play about a woman who realizes that she is worth more than she has been given credit. Her whole life she was treated like a little doll; too fragile to do anything serious, too frail to be troubled with real business. She was the wife, mother and homemaker. The only things she was perceived as capable of were running the home, raising the children and looking pretty. This was a common stereotype for women in the 1880’s. Women were treatedRead MoreA Doll s House By Henrik Ibsen1291 Words  | 6 Pages A Doll s House by Henrik Ibsen, is a play that has been written to withstand all time. In this play Ibsen highlights the importance of women’s rights. During the time period of the play these rights were neglected. Ibsen depicts the role of the woman was to stay at home, raise the children and attend to her husband during the 19th century. Nora is the woman in A Doll House who plays is portrayed as a victim. Michael Me yers said of Henrik Ibsen s plays: The common denominator in many of IbsenRead MoreAnalysis Of Henrik Ibsen s A Doll s House 1381 Words  | 6 PagesGrace Kuenzli English A: Literature Written Assignment, HL 9 May 2017 The Role of Symbolism in Nora’s Transformation from Repression to Liberation in A Doll’s House The play in prose A Doll’s House is written by Henrik Ibsen, and set in Norway in 1879. By inserting symbols into the storyline, Henrik Ibsen reveals the theme of female submissiveness and male superiority during the 19th century and highlights character revelation in the play, namely through Nora’s transformation from beingRead MoreA Doll s House By Henrik Isben Essay1226 Words  | 5 PagesA Doll’s House was published in Norway in 1879 by Henrik Isben. He is known as the father of Modern Theatre. He is also referred as the father of realism. The play is very interesting because of the funny dialogue, Ibsen s view of the place of ladies in the public eye and the unique characters. The main characters of the play is Nora Helmer and her husband Torvald Helmer. Imagine what it would be like to live in a doll s home? It s a house in which you are controlled and have no energy to settleRead MoreHenrik Ibsen s A Doll s House1302 Words  | 6 Pages A Doll s House by Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen is a play about the story of Nora Helmer, a childish woman who once borrowed money from a worker named Krogstad for the sole purpose of saving the life of her husband, Torvald Helmer. Her husband treated her like a child throughout their entire marriage due to his gender superiority and due to this treatment she leaves him at the end of the play. Most people view Nora Helmer as a feminist heroine due to her ability to stand up and break free fromRead MoreA Doll s House Review Essay1338 Words  | 6 Pages A Doll’s House Review A Doll’s House was published in Norway in 1879 by Henrik Isben. He is known as the father of Modern Theatre. He is also referred as the father of realism. The play is very interesting because of the funny dialogue, the unique characters, and Ibsen s view of the place of ladies in the public eye. The main characters of the play is Nora Helmer and her husband Torvald Helmer. Imagine what it would be like to live in a doll s home? It s a house in which you are controlledRead MoreHenrik Ibsen s A Doll House998 Words  | 4 PagesHenrik Ibsen’s story, â€Å"A Doll House,†seems as a happy story of Nora and Torvald Helmer. However, Nora is the interesting character in the story because of the number of conflicts that appear in her life and her perspective towards life. Because of her playful and whimsical nature, she undergoes a conflict that changes her personality and perspective towards life. Nora is an interesting character to observe because of her dynamic nat ure, which helps create a depth and shows how her prevalent conflictsRead MoreCritical Analysis Of A Dolls House1731 Words  | 7 Pages â€Å"A Dolls House†A Norwegian playwright, Henrik Ibsen first published â€Å"A doll’s house â€Å" in 1879. In this play Ibsen distinguished the state of marriage, believing that it was possible for two people to travel through life as perfect, happy equals. A Doll s House is a three act play about a seemingly typical housewife who becomes disillusioned and dissatisfied with her superior husband. In the first act the setting was important toRead MoreHenrik Ibsen s A Doll House1563 Words  | 7 Pages In the play, A Doll House by Henrik Ibsen, the title itself symbolizes the dependent and degraded role of the wife within traditional marriages. Ibsen portrayed the generous nature root into women by society, as well as the significant action of this nature, and lastly the need for them to find their own voice in a world ruled by men. Ibsen wrote this play in 1879, this is the era where women were obedient to men, tend the children until their husband came home, and stood by the Cult of Domesticity
Thursday, May 7, 2020
Reform Are Campaign Contributions Compromising The...
ARTICLE CRITIQUE Gabrielle Wright George Buzzy CJUS 500-B01 LUO October 2, 2015 Abstract Judicial Selection: Part I. Reform: Are Campaign Contributions Compromising the Intendent Judiciary is an article by Adam Skaggs and You May Know the Law but I Own the Judge: Why Congress Can and Should Get Involved in State Judicial Election Reform, is an article by Jonathan Berman are the two articles are critiqued. They are both about monetary funds that are donated to campaign funds of judiciary election candidates. They both look at how large amounts of funds are donated by different entities for many different reasons. Most being for self-gain which lead to corruption in the system ARTICLE CRITIQUE Judicial Selection:†¦show more content†¦Money is being spent on independent TV advertisement campaigns by special interest groups and political parties that are hoping to influence judicial races (Skaggs, 2010). Hundreds of millions of dollars have been raised for competitive state high courts candidates’ campaign, and tens of millions of that is spent on TV ads. In states such as Alabama, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Texas in order to realistically have a shot at becoming a forerunner in an election, candidates must be able to connect with the special interest groups and political parties that can help fund the campaign. The issue with the vast amounts of money being raised would be how this effects the candidate’s ability to effectively to do their job when they get on the bench. Will they be able to be unbiased on cases that involve the people and groups that supported and contributed to them getting into the position of power wearing the robe? I can see why one would worry. We live in a world where money can buy a lot of things, including people’s loyalties. A candidate become indebted when people invest money into them, because the reality of the situation is most people do things for self-gain. However we as people must have faith in people. We must do our research and learn about the people that we are electing into any position of power. No one should buy into the propaganda and extravagance that is been bought and sold to us. After we vote we must believe and trust in those that
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
School Systems in Japan India and the US Free Essays
This site is an first-class one to utilize in that it defines what a typical school twelvemonth looks like in England. This site besides describes what the standardised testing that is required for each pupil, what vacations are observed during the school twelvemonth, and when pupils are able to go forth school. This web site was written by a former instructor at the school. We will write a custom essay sample on School Systems in Japan India and the US or any similar topic only for you Order Now Bing a instructor, Ms. Barrow was able to easy depict how the educational system works in England. ( Barrow, 2009 ) Combs, K. A ; Angela Bartlett. ( 2007, October ) . Education in Japan. Retrieved from This website gives an first-class overview of the school system in Japan and what the national course of study is in Japan. This site besides explains how the Japanese came up with the current system of primary, in-between and high schools. This site besides explains the learning doctrine in Japan and the four key functions pupils have in modern Nipponese schooling. This site was started by two adult females who wanted to explicate how the instruction system worked in Japan. They lived in Japan for a clip and wanted to assist people who were either traveling to Japan or non-Japanese people populating in Japan understand the school system. ( Combs A ; Bartlett, 2007 ) Education system in India. ( 1998 ) . Retrieved from This website gives an overview of the instruction system in India. This site besides talks about the universalization of an simple instruction in India and why it has non to the full occurred. It tells at what age a pupil is required to go to school and at what age they are allowed to go forth school. This site besides gives stats demoing the literacy rate between males/females and rural/urban countries. This site was started by a company that is based in India and was started in order to supply resources for the people of India to be able to obtain higher instruction grades. ( â€Å" Education system in, †1998 ) Miller, D.C. , Sen, A. , Malley, L.B. , Burns, S.D. , A ; Owen, E. US Department of Education, ( 2009 ) . Comparative indexs of instruction in the us and other g-8 states: 2009. Washington, DC: US Department of Education. This article compares the G-8 states and gives statistics demoing where the United States falls in assorted classs such as subject jobs, and entire population, per centum of pupils enrolled in formal instruction. There are besides statistics comparing instructor experience in the United States and the United Kingdom. This article besides goes on to give really elaborate information on the school systems of each of the G-8 states, which include Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States. Because this article was written by people in the US Department of Education, it should be accurate and timely. ( Miller, Sen, Malley, Burns, A ; Owen, 2009 ) Osgood, R. L. ( n.d. ) . Dawdlers, idiots, human cinders and other curious childs: progressivism and pupil differences in determining public instruction in the united provinces. Unpublished manuscript, Muskingum University. This was a address given by Mr. Osgood which explicating how labels ( both good and bad ) were applied to pupils in the United States and how these labels affected their public presentation in school. Mr. Osgood went back to a book published in the early 1900 ‘s to obtain some of the background for his address. He talks about how labeling pupils either helped them stand out or keep them back from accomplishing ends in school. He besides spoke on how labels changed since the early 1900 ‘s. For illustration, a pupil, in the early 1900 ‘s, who was falling behind in school was called a dawdler. Today, he would necessitate particular instruction categories which would cement the label of being slow. Mr. Osgood was President of Muskingum University in New Concord, Ohio and an pedagogue so he is a believable beginning. ( Osgood ) Ruddock, G. A ; Sainsbury, M. ( 2008 ) . Comparison of the Core Primary Curriculum in England to those of Other High Performing Countries. Department for Children, Schools, A ; Families. This article was written by two bookmans in England who were comparing the instruction given to English kids from ages 7 – 11 to kids from around the universe. This article focuses on three chief countries, Mathematicss, Science and Literacy. The bookmans found that in Mathematics, the stuff was similar to the eight other states included in this survey. In Science, the bookmans discovered many assortments of course of study. No 1 was perceived to be better than any other. In literacy, the bookmans discovered that the other states were more likely to include the doctrine and principle behind the linguistic communication where in England, this was instead brief. This paper was written by two bookmans by petition of one of the British Government Departments. School old ages in England. ( n.d. ) . Retrieved from This website gives a elaborate listing of what ages are in what classs. It besides explains the difference of a Public school and a Government tally school. This site besides explains what national testing is done at what age degree and at what age a pupil is allowed to go forth school. This site was written to let non-English speech production people to larn English. All of the information obtained on this site was able to corroborate information received on other web sites refering to the English Education system. ( â€Å" School old ages in, †) Schutz, G. , West, M.R. , and Wobmann, L. ( 2007 ) , â€Å" School Accountability, Autonomy, Choice, and the Equity of Student Achievement: International Evidence from PIDA 2003 †, OECD Education Working Papers, No. 14, OECD Publishing. Department of the Interior: 10.1787/246374511832 This article explains the doctrine that if a kid succeeds in schools so they will win later in life. This article besides explains whether supervising instructor lessons has any impact on pupil public presentation. This article talks about holding issue tests before a kid is allowed to go forth school and if that is a productive thought or non. This article besides touches on the thought that kids with low socio-economic alterations achieve every bit much as those with high socio-economic alterations. OECD, or Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, is a authorities organisation in France and should be a really dependable beginning for this paper. ( Schutz, G. , 2007 ) Schmidt, W. H. , Houang, R. , A ; Shakrani, S. ( 2009 ) . International lessons about national criterions. Thomas B Fordham Institute. This article, written by three writers at the Thomas B Fordham Institute, gives information refering to the Indian School System. It provides more information refering how the Indian Government perceives instruction and how the schools are funded. It besides explains the National Curriculum that India has and who is responsible for implementing that the course of study is followed. It explains who comes up with the course of study for each topic, what topics are taught in what schools and when national tests are given. The Thomas B Fordham Institute is an organisation that wants to progress educational excellence for every kid. ( Schmidt, Houang, A ; Shakrani, 2009 ) Wieczorek, C. C. ( 2009 ) . Comparative analysis of instruction systems of American A ; Nipponese schools: positions and visions. Unpublished manuscript, Department of Foreign Languages, University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio. This article explains how the Japanese and the United States school systems are similar, but it besides explains how they are different. The writer ne’er comes out and says which is better, but he does indicate out that the United States seems to hold more troubles to get the better of. This writer wrote this paper as a consequence of an assignment for a category he was taking at the University. Some of the information that was given in this paper could be verified by other beginnings. ( Wieczorek, 2009 ) World Bank, ( 2000 ) . Investing in instruction: analysis of the 1999 universe instruction indexs, instruction and accomplishments Washington, DC: Retrieved from This article explains in item how the instruction system in India plants. It explains what ages are in what school each age is assigned. This article besides explains how the federal authorities and the provincial and regional authoritiess are involved in the instruction system. The World Bank is an organisation overseen by the United Nations. The information presented by them should be every bit accurate as possible. ( World Bank, 2000 ) How to cite School Systems in Japan India and the US, Essay examples
Monday, April 27, 2020
Simpsons Essays - Television, Fiction, Entertainment, The Simpsons
Simpsons The American animation The Simpsons is now in its 10th season as a show in its own right. It was created by Matt Groening as shorts for the Tracy Ullman Show and was bought by the Fox Network, which began screening it as half-hour shows in 1989. Initially its success was restricted to the 9-16 year old age group, and for animation there is nothing remarkable about this. Its success grew quickly and it is now popular in many countries with many different audiences. In the 1990s we are seeing dramatic transformations in media industries and media cultures. In geographical terms, these transformations may be seen in the shift from national to global media. The Simpsons can be seen as both a remarkable piece of global culture and as a hugely successful piece of global television. (One need only look on an Internet search engine to discover that there are literally millions of Simpsons fan-sites around the world.). The Simpsons themselves are a simple family in a small town in Middle Amer ica called Springfield. They are: Homer (loyal but stupid father), Marge (dissatisfied, trapped housewife/mother), Bart (rebellious son), Lisa (unappreciated genius daughter), and Maggie (silent baby). The show also revolves around a number of other of the townsfolk, such as Mr Burns (Homer's miserly boss), Smithers (Burns's loving assistant), Apu (Indian shop owner), Principal Skinner and Moe (owner of the local bar). There are a number of reasons why we cannot simply view The Simpsons as a cartoon like any other. The rules and conventions that it follows are far more those of television or cinema than those of animation. The humour within The Simpsons exists on many different levels ranging from the obvious to the subtle, from the literary to the movie reference, and beyond. But most importantly we must consider the show's ability to make significant social comment, on general issues of culture and society, but more specifically on television, film and media, and on audience viewi ng and acceptance of these media. Traditionally, cartoons have been action driven and animation. Aside from the use of cameras to create the visual illusion of depth (Walt Disney famously explained the 'complicated' technique used to allow Mickey Mouse to walk along a street without distorting depth or perspective), cartoons had a language of their own, unique and separate from that of cinema or television. They were simple and without layered meanings. They had their own conventions that were regularly used and easily understood by children. These included falling anvils, cannon balls, dynamite and gunpowder. Generally most situations in traditional cartoons are very simple and similar. They are based on a basic relationship between the chaser and chased. For examples look no further than children's television and you will see Tom chase Jerry, Wylie Coyote chase Roadrunner and Yosemite Sam chase Bugs Bunny. So what makes The Simpsons different from these more traditional cartoon fo rms? Both the characters in The Simpsons their roles and situations are far more complex than in traditional animation. Indeed, what are seen as sub-characters are often the bases of stories, as executive producer Bill Oakley explains: Over eight years we've developed a town full of characters?Moe, Mr Burns or Principal Skinner can all provide the engines for stories. Producers of The Simpsons say they concentrate more on scripts than on animation, making the show more humour and script based than action based. But despite The Simpsons being seen by many as a sitcom, Oakley likes to keep the show fresh, and generally avoids sitcom writers: We want people who are not ruined by the standard sitcom form. One of the most important factors in explaining The Simpsons's cross-generational and broad demographic appeal is the sophistication of its writing. It is constructed to exist at many different levels. In terms of its humour, creator Groening says: There are the obvious jokes, the visu al sight gags, the subtle literary allusions and at the most subtle, what we call the freeze frame gags. While I agree with Groening, I would categorise the humour slightly differently. The first level is 'blatant comedy'. This includes obvious jokes. The appeal to children that originally heralded The Simpsons is based on blatant comedy and the
Thursday, March 19, 2020
How has electricity changed the world we live Essays
How has electricity changed the world we live Essays How has electricity changed the world we live Paper How has electricity changed the world we live Paper This rise shows just how much obliged to electricity. But it doesnt stop there, that is because nowadays the computer is nothing without a fast Internet connection at all times. Fig. 4: A typical personal windows computer Almost every person who has a computer these days has access to a fixed broadband connection. And every person who has a computer has an Internet connection. This was also not something that you could have during the asses. In the whole world, only 0. 361 billion people had an Internet connection. And fixed broadband connection was something nobody had. Zero out of every 100 people had it. But even by 201 0 this had all changed. About 2 billion people had Internet connection in the whole world and about 10 people out of every 1 00 people had a fixed broadband connection. 5: A stereotypical image of the internet But how much Electricity consumption has changed since the 20005. The use of electronics has grown a lot since then and that has caused the consumption of electricity to be higher. In the asses the consumption of electricity right here in China had been only 1. 25 k/h. This number increased to a huge 4. 17 trillion k/h by the 2010. But not all oftenest world-changing powers of electricity have come to a very good ending. This is because some of these powers have had negative effects on the world too. Electricity is a dangerous thing if not used or dealt with properly. And this can be clearly known by the fact that in the U. K. There are more than 2. 5 million people who get electric shocks each year. And of these 2. 5 million plus people, there are approximately 350,000 people who receive serious shocks. Although electric shocks are the things we usually think about when we say electrical dangers, it isnt always so. There are actually many more ways electricity causes people to die rather than direct electric shocks. One of the main ways electricity causes indirect deaths is by fires. Electricity when not used the ways it is supposed to, can be extremely dangerous. This fact can be seen from this table: Fig. 6: Number of fires of electrical origin in the UK in 2007 It shows how many people have had fires due to electrical failures or accidents. There have been 267 deaths caused by fires and among that 49 of them are electricity based. There have been 9066 fire based injuries in the UK in 2007 ND among them 3477 are based on electricity. There have been a total of 43351 fires and among them 21424 are due to electricity. That shows that almost half of all fires in the UK in the year 2007 based on or due to electricity. People might say that these happened in 2007 they are not very recent. But a very recent statistics publication in Jan aura 201 2 by the US NAP, National Fire Protection Association, states that in the US during 2010, there have been a total of about 46500 fires that are based on electricity. And all these fires has resulted in 420 civilian deaths, 1 520 civilian injuries and an approximate f 1. Billion US dollar worth of direct property damage. Fig. 71 Fire But even with all of that much damage due to electricity, why should people not shut it down? I want you to imagine a day when suddenly all of the electricity on earth was sapped away by night. You would wake up and go turn the light on, but there would be no electricity so you no light except for sunlight. You would go into the bathroom in the dark and there would be no water, because the generator has no electricity to pump the water. And then you would want to watch the TV, but it wouldnt turn on since there was no electricity. And at last, when turning on your phone to call the management or turn on your computer to tell everyone about what happened, both of them wouldnt work because of zero percent battery. A life without electricity is unthinkable. We are obliged to electricity. We cant live without it. Without it our lives would be miserable and almost non-livable. This is why even after all the damage electricity does, its use is going up and up and becoming an even more important part of our lives. But of course that doesnt mean that no measures are being taken to make electrical appliances easier and safer to use. There are big differences between the safeness to use electricity in the asses and now. As more people use AC power sources and have fuses built into multi-plugs and other appliances, things are much safer and easier to use. The first thing that has made electricity much safer is the AC power supply. The AC power supply is very different from the direct power supply. The AC power supplies have electricity going both ways rather than just one way. Thus when you use an appliance with a high potential to give you a shock, the AC power supply would be much more safer than the direct power us apply. Fig. AC power cables The second thing that has made the use of appliances much safer is the fuse. It is a small device attached to different appliances that is auto triggered by a high amount of electric flow. The fuse is a very thin wire that can be replaced. It is made so as to break a connection in the circuit, thus cutting off power from the appliance it is being used in. There are fuses i n a lot of appliances nowadays than there was before. As the fuse ensures that even if an accident occurs, it doesnt turn into a tragedy, it does pack a huge punch in keeping electricity as safe as possible. 0: A typical fuse Electricity can be a dangerous thing when used improperly, but, it is something that is getting increasingly safer to use. And even that is not that main factor, the main factor is that there is no way we can live without it. Wherever you look you can see an appliance that is run or has been made by the help of electricity. Electricity has shaped our world in such a way that now it simply impossible for us to avoid it. There is no way that we could live as happily as we are now without electricity. The benefits of electricity outweigh the bad sides of it.
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
The Partition of India and Creation of Pakistan
The Partition of India and Creation of Pakistan The Partition of India was the process of dividing the subcontinent along sectarian lines, which took place in 1947 as India gained its independence from the British Raj. The northern, predominantly Muslim sections of India became the nation of Pakistan, while the southern and majority Hindu section became the Republic of India. Fast Facts: the Partition of India Short Description: At the time of Indian independence from Great Britain, the subcontinent was broken into two partsKey Players/Participants: Muhammed Ali Jinnah, Jawaharlal Nehru, Mohandas Gandhi, Louis Mountbatten, Cyril RadcliffeEvent Start Date: End of World War II, the ouster of Churchill, and the ascension of the Labour Party in BritainEvent End Date: Aug. 17, 1947Other Significant Dates: The Jan. 30, 1948, the assassination of Mohandas Gandhi; Aug. 14, 1947, the creation of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan; Aug. 15, 1947, the creation of the Republic of IndiaLittle-Known Fact: In the 19th century, sectarian Muslim, Sikh, and Hindu communities shared Indias cities and countryside and cooperated to force Britain to Quit India; it was only after independence became a potential reality that religious hatred began to roil. Background to Partition Beginning in 1757, the British commercial enterprise known as the East India Company ruled parts of the subcontinent beginning with Bengal, a period known as the Company Rule or Company Raj. In 1858, after the brutal Sepoy Rebellion, the rule of India was transferred to the English crown, with Queen Victoria proclaimed as Empress of India in 1878. By the latter half of the 19th century, England had brought the full force of the Industrial Revolution to the region, with railroads, canals, bridges, and telegraph lines providing new communication links and opportunities. Most of the jobs created went to the English; much of the land used for these advances came from the farmers and were paid for by local taxes. Medical advances under the Company and British Raj, such as smallpox vaccinations, improved sanitation, and quarantine procedures, led to a steep rise in population. Protectionist landlords depressed agricultural innovations in the rural areas, and as a result, famines broke out. The worst was known as the Great Famine of 1876–1878, when between 6–10 million people died. Universities established in India led to a new middle class, and in turn, social reform and political action began to rise. The Rise of Sectarian Separation In 1885, the Hindu-dominated Indian National Congress (INC) met for the first time. When the British made an attempt to divide the state of Bengal along religious lines in 1905, the INC led huge protests against the plan. This sparked the formation of the Muslim League, which sought to guarantee the rights of Muslims in any future independence negotiations. Although the Muslim League formed in opposition to the INC, and the British colonial government attempted to play the INC and Muslim League off one another, the two political parties generally cooperated in their mutual goal of getting Britain to Quit India. As British historian Yasmin Khan (born 1977) has described, political events were to destroy the long-term future of that uneasy alliance. In 1909, the British gave separate electorates to different religious communities, which had the outcome of hardening of boundaries among the different sects. The colonial government emphasized these differences, by such activities as providing separate restroom and water facilities for Muslims and Hindus at the railway terminals. By the 1920s, a heightened sense of religious ethnicity became apparent. Riots broke out at such times as during Holi festival, when sacred cows were slaughtered, or when Hindu religious music was played in front of mosques at prayer time. World War I and Afterward Despite the growing unrest, both the INC and the Muslim League supported sending Indian volunteer troops to fight on Britains behalf in World War I. In exchange for the service of more than one million Indian soldiers, the people of India expected political concessions up to and including independence. However, after the war, Britain offered no such concessions. In April 1919, a unit of the British Army went to Amritsar, in Punjab, to silence pro-independence unrest. The units commander ordered his men to open fire on the unarmed crowd, killing more than 1,000 protesters. When word of the Amritsar Massacre spread around India, hundreds of thousands of formerly apolitical people became supporters of the INC and the Muslim League. In the 1930s, Mohandas Gandhi (1869–1948) became the leading figure in the INC. Although he advocated a unified Hindu and Muslim India, with equal rights for all, other INC members were less inclined to join with Muslims against the British. As a result, the Muslim League began to make plans for a separate Muslim state. World War II World War II sparked a crisis in relations between the British, the INC, and the Muslim League. The British government expected India once again to provide much-needed soldiers and material for the war effort, but the INC opposed sending Indians to fight and die in Britains war. After the betrayal following World War I, the INC saw no benefit for India in such a sacrifice. The Muslim League, however, decided to back Britains call for volunteers, in an effort to curry British favor in support of a Muslim nation in post-independence northern India. Before the war had even ended, public opinion in Britain had swung against the distraction and expense of empire: the cost of the war had severely depleted Britains coffers. The party of British prime minister Winston Churchill (1874–1965) was voted out of office, and the pro-independence Labour Party was voted in during 1945. Labour called for almost immediate independence for India, as well as more gradual freedom for Britains other colonial holdings. A Separate Muslim State The Muslim Leagues leader, Muhammed Ali Jinnah (1876–1948), began a public campaign in favor of a separate Muslim state, while Jawaharlal Nehru (1889–1964) of the INC called for a unified India. The INC leaders such as Nehru were in favor of a united India since Hindus would have formed the vast majority of the Indian population and would have been in control of any democratic form of government. As independence neared, the country began to descend toward a sectarian civil war. Although Gandhi implored the Indian people to unite in peaceful opposition to British rule, the Muslim League sponsored a Direct Action Day on August 16, 1946, which resulted in the deaths of more than 4,000 Hindus and Sikhs in Calcutta (Kolkata). This touched off the Week of the Long Knives, an orgy of sectarian violence that resulted in hundreds of deaths on both sides in various cities across the country. Indian Independence Act of 1947 In February 1947, the British government announced that India would be granted independence by June 1948. Viceroy for India Louis Mountbatten (1900–1979) pleaded with the Hindu and Muslim leaders to agree to form a united country, but they could not. Only Gandhi supported Mountbattens position. With the country descending further into chaos, Mountbatten reluctantly agreed to the formation of two separate states. Mountbatten proposed that the new state of Pakistan would be created from the Muslim-majority provinces of Baluchistan and Sindh, and the two contested provinces of Punjab and Bengal would be halved, creating a Hindu Bengal and Punjab, and Muslim Bengal and Punjab. The plan gained agreement from the Muslim League and the INC, and it was announced on June 3, 1947. The date for independence was moved up to Aug. 15, 1947, and all that was left was fine-tuning, determining the physical border separating the two new states. Difficulties of Separation With the decision in favor of partition made, the parties next faced this nearly impossible task of fixing a border between the new states. The Muslims occupied two main regions in the north on opposite sides of the country, separated by a majority-Hindu section. In addition, throughout most of northern India, members of the two religions were mixed together- not to mention populations of Sikhs, Christians, and other minority faiths. The Sikhs campaigned for a nation of their own, but their appeal was denied. In the wealthy and fertile region of Punjab, the problem was extreme, with a nearly even mixture of Hindus and Muslims. Neither side wanted to relinquish this valuable land, and sectarian hatred ran high.  Ravi C. The Radcliffe Line To identify the final or real border, Mountbatten established a Boundary Commission under the chairmanship of Cyril Radcliffe (1899–1977), a British judge and rank outsider. Radcliffe arrived in India on July 8 and published the demarcation line a mere six weeks later on August 17. Punjabi and Bengali legislators were to have a chance to vote on a potential split of the provinces, and a plebiscite for or against joining Pakistan would be necessary for the North-West Frontier Province. Radcliffe was given five weeks to complete the demarcation. He had no background in Indian affairs, nor did he have any prior experience in adjudicating such disputes. He was a confident amateur, in the words of Indian historian Joya Chatterji, chosen because Radcliffe was supposedly a nonpartisan and thus apolitical actor. Jinnah had proposed a single commission made up of three impartial persons; but Nehru suggested two commissions, one for Bengal and one for Punjab. They would each be made up of an independent chairman, and two people nominated by the Muslim League and two by the INC. Radcliffe served as both chairs: his job was to put together a rough-and-ready plan for dividing each province as soon as possible, with the fine details to be resolved later. On Aug. 14, 1947, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan was founded. The following day, the Republic of India was established to the south. On Aug. 17, 1947, Radcliffes award was published. The Award The Radcliffe line drew the border right down the middle of Punjab province, between Lahore and Amritsar. The award gave West Bengal an area of some 28,000 square miles, containing a population of 21 million people, of whom about 29 percent were Muslims. East Bengal got 49,000 square miles with a population of 39 million, of whom 29 percent were Hindu. In essence, the award created two states in which the ratio of the minority population was almost identical. When the reality of the Partition hit home, residents who found themselves on the wrong side of the Radcliffe line felt extreme confusion and dismay. Worse still, most people did not have access to the printed document, and they simply did not know their immediate future. For more than a year after the award was made, rumors spread through the border communities that they would wake up to find the borders had changed again. Post-Partition Violence On both sides, people scrambled to get onto the right side of the border or were driven from their homes by their erstwhile neighbors. At least 10 million people fled north or south, depending on their faith, and more than 500,000 were killed in the melee. Trains full of refugees were set upon by militants from both sides, and the passengers massacred. On Dec. 14, 1948, Nehru and the Pakistan Prime Minister Liaquat Ali Khan (1895–1951) signed the Inter-Dominion Agreement in a desperate attempt to calm the waters. The tribunal was ordered to resolve the boundary disputes growing out of the Radcliffe Line Award, to be headed by Swedish judge Algot Bagge and two high-court judges, C. Aiyar of India and M. Shahabuddin of Pakistan. That tribunal announced its findings in February 1950, clearing up some of the doubts and misinformation, but leaving difficulties in the definition and administration of the border. Aftermath of Partition According to historian Chatterji, the new border ruptured agricultural communities and divided towns from the hinterlands that they had habitually relied on to supply their needs. Markets were lost and had to be reintegrated or reinvented; supply railheads were separated, as were families. The result was messy, with cross-border smuggling emerging as a thriving enterprise and an increased military presence on both sides. On Jan. 30, 1948, Mohandas Gandhi was assassinated by a young Hindu radical for his support of a multi-religious state. Separately from Indias partition, Burma (now Myanmar) and Ceylon (Sri Lanka) gained independence in 1948; Bangladesh gained independence from Pakistan in 1971. Since August 1947, India and Pakistan have fought three major wars and one minor war over territorial disputes. The boundary line in Jammu and Kashmir is particularly troubled. These regions were not formally part of the British Raj in India, but were quasi-independent princely states; the ruler of Kashmir agreed to join India despite having a Muslim majority in his territory, resulting in tension and warfare to this day. In 1974, India tested its first nuclear weapon. Pakistan followed in 1998. Thus, any exacerbation of post-Partition tensions today- such as Indias August 2019 crackdown on Kashmiri independence- could be catastrophic. Sources Ahmad, Nafis. The Indo-Pakistan Boundary Disputes Tribunal, 1949–1950. Geographical Review 43.3 (1953): 329–37. Print.Brass, Paul R. The Partition of India and Retributive Genocide in the Punjab, 1946–47: Means, Methods, and Purposes 1. Journal of Genocide Research 5.1 (2003): 71–101. Print.Chatterji, Joya. The Fashioning of a Frontier: The Radcliffe Line and Bengals Border Landscape, 1947–52. Modern Asian Studies 33.1 (1999): 185–242. Print.Khan, Yasmin. The Great Partition: The Making of India and Pakistan. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2017. Print.Wilcox, Wayne. The Economic Consequences of Partition: India and Pakistan. Journal of International Affairs 18.2 (1964): 188–97. Print.
Saturday, February 15, 2020
Technology and International Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2
Technology and International Development - Essay Example This paper discusses Maasai community’s social, economic, and political challenges in their endeavour to maintain their culture. According to Akubue, Great disparities exists in the level of developments that any suggestion of inflexibility in technology will not be practical (Akubue, 2000). Maasai community are still holding on to their cultures despite the advancement in technology, better and environmentally friendly farming techniques, and changes in the weather patterns. The Maasai community have a small population (approximately 800,000) of the people in Kenya and Northern Tanzania. They are indigenous Nilotic ethnic group, who live a nomadic pastoralist lifestyle. For centuries, Maasai community has lived harmoniously with nature, engaging in pastoralism for subsistence. The men in this community are warriors and herders who move with the cattle from place to place in search of pasture. Their movement depend with presence of pasture, which makes them move to the lowlands in high season and to the highlands in dry seasons. The women and the children live in the homesteads as they engage in small-scale farming to supplement the animal products. The Masaai economic activity is based on biological assets, which are vulnerable to weather and other conditions. Therefore, the Maasai community engage in unstable economy. The problems of the Maasai community started way back in colonial era when they lost approximately 75% of their ancestral lands as a result of protection of Mau forest, which is an ecosystem supporting many lives. They lost the pastures they would use in dry seasons and their sacred sites too. Due to lack of proper grazing lands, Maasai community faces great loss of animals in every dry season. The dry seasons depleted their resources greatly leaving them in hard economic times. The threat on Maasai land is still on as private developers are moving in and investing on Maasai’s pastoral lands. Their economic
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Impact of work life imbalance on the productivity of workers in Saudi Essay - 4
Impact of work life imbalance on the productivity of workers in Saudi public sector - Essay Example Based on recent labour surveys, about 14.9 % of the workforce in Saudi Arabia is in the public sector (Kechrid, 2012). According to the Saudi Arabia Oil and Gas Report by Business Monitor International (2009), the local workforce in Saudi includes of about 3.2 million citizens. However, recent demographic trends suggest that this number will increase in the future based on a forecast of 4% annual increase in local workforce. It is clear that Saudi Arabian people value family more than work. The situation is even more pronounced for women since they have the greatest responsibilities in taking care of family needs. The gender imbalance in the labour force in Saudi Arabia is such that women make up less than 5% of the nation’s workforce (BusinessMonitorInternational, 2009). The ‘Saudization’ programme greatly affects the working context in Saudi. The program aims to increase the number of Saudi citizens working in the private sector by compelling companies to hire Saudi citizens rather than foreign workers. In current society, organisational pressures force people to work long hours in order to achieve organisational goals. The high level of competition in the labour market forces workers to take on a higher workload than their optimal workload capacity (Greenhaus, 2011). This market effect can create an unwelcome imbalance between work and life. The culture of the people of Saudi Arabia places a high value on family in a person’s life. Therefore, work life imbalance is an important issue in the lives of workers in Saudi Arabia. Work-life imbalance refers to a situation whereby an individual fails to engage in a balanced way in family and work roles (Darcy, 2007). Work-life imbalance is a common problem among public sector workers in Saudi Arabia whereby many people become too involved in their work and consequently, their family and social lives suffer (Stephens, 2014). Because of inefficiency and poor
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Shakespeare Movie Reviews :: essays research papers
True love, can be a fantasy come true or you worst nightmare in my perspective, for love is a strong word and its used to frequently, but in the three movies I have observed you find yourself truly believing in love and in my opinion, True love is out there, and if your lucky you will meet the right person, the man or woman of your dreams. The three movies I picked are Shakespearean plays, Romeo and Juliet, the modern movie made in 1996, Othello which is also a known classic, tragic love story, where two people truly loved each other and tired to make it work, but had many obstacles to overcome, with family and race. What is true love? Love means a warm liking or affection for a person, affectionate devotion. Does the way Romeo describe Juliet sound like love to you? In my opinion love does not occur at first sight, it is something that you need to work towards. This Shakespeare play is a classic made into a modern gang bang performance, with knifes not daggers, exceptionally ensemble cars, and different attitudes and clothing. The cast of Romeo and Juliet, in the recent movie made in 1996, The tale of Romeo & Juliet is about the happenings of two forbidden lovers. Their families The Montagues and The Capulets share an ancient grudge, and now it has broken to a new mutiny. The Capulets only daughter Juliet meets the Montagues only son Romeo at a costume ball held at the Capulet mansion. They experience love at first sight, each falling desperately in love as they see the other through an amazing fishtank. Their love is so strong that they are married the next day, keeping everything secret from their parents. Juliet's cousin Tybalt is angry at Romeo for being present at the Capulet ball, and he sets out to challenge Romeo to a duel. He meets up with Romeo just after Romeo and Juliet's marriage and in the effort to get Romeo to fight him(Romeo refuses to fight, Romeo's best friend Mercutio is killed. Romeo wreaks revenge and in a sudden fit of anger kills Tybalt. He's banished from Verona walls and before go ing to hideout in Mantua he spends the night with his love and wife, Juliet. The following morning Romeo travels to Mantua to wait for things to settle down before he returns to Verona.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Rhos-Y-Gwaliau Outdoor Education Center Essay
Hello, I’m here today to talk to you all about work experience. I can see a few anxious faces when I mention the words work experience, but I hope that my talk today will change that. Incase some of you are not exactly sure what work experience is, it’s a placement that you personally choose yourself, and than you will go there for a period of two weeks. I now it might seem a long time, two weeks but when you’re there time just flays, and it’ll be worth it. And if you’re lucky you might decide what you would like to do in the future from this experience, you never know!! Getting a placement is quite straight-forward you know. Well it does depend on were you’re thinking of going. You can either phone them, e-mail them or send them a letter. What I did was phone them because I believe this was the most affective way and this way you are also able to find out more necessary information. All I had to do after I phoned was go and visit my placement to get to know everyone and to get to know the building. The day before I started on my work experience I was very anxious, but at the same time I was looking forward. So don’t worry if you have similar feelings before you start your work experience because they’re just normal. The only advise I can give you is that you have an early night before you start your work experience so you’ll be rearing to go the next morning. Also on your first day you should make sure that you arrive at your placement right on time, so you make a good impression to your co-workers and employer. It’s also important that you have a reliable transport. I was very lucky with my transport because my mum passed my placement on the way to her work, and it was very convenient. I went to Rhos-Y-Gwaliau Outdoor Education Center for my two weeks. I was very anxious before I got there each morning because I had no idea what was in store for me. The whole experience wasn’t half as bad as I had predicted, I hope your outcome at the end of your work experience will be the same as well. Where I went on my work experience I didn’t really have a typical day. Each day I did something different, sailing, canoeing, canoeing, climbing, hill trails and gorge walks. I arrived at the center at 8am each morning, then I had to make sure that all the children that were in my group had packed all the necessary kit they needed for the day. The we would all gather in the canteen, and make our lunches ready for the busy day that we had planned in front of us. Then we would all set off in our individual group and head towards our activity location. I had so much fun from my experience at Rhos-Y-Gwaliau Outdoor Education Center, and I found out a lot about myself. I do hope that you will choose a suitable placement for yourself and gain a lot of experience and knowledge. I sure did, and this whole experience will always stay with me. I don’t have to tell you how much I enjoyed my work experience, because I’m sure you can imagine. There was nothing I really disliked about my work experience, well the hours were a bit long, because twice a week I had to be there from 8am till 9pm, which I believe was a very long shift, but that didn’t bring me down the slightest bit more enjoyable. The whole experience at Rhos-Y-Gwaliau Outdoor Education Center has definitely helped me choose what I would like to do in the future. This is an ideal work I would love to do when I’m older. I found out that I’m able to work with people from all ages and I truly enjoy working with children because you are able to see all the progress they have done and you’re able to see the amazement on the children’s faces when they achieve a new skill. When I help people I get a warm feeling in my heart. I wish you all the best for the future, and I hope that my talk today has reassured you all, and you have a better incline of what to expect when you’ll be starting work experience in couple of weeks time. And I truly do hope that you will have two fantastic weeks at your placements, and try your best to enjoy them. Thank-you for listening to my talk today, and I hope that I have helped some of you, and you now know a little bit more of what you’re in for. All the best to every single one of you. And thank-you for being such a good audience.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
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